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Shadowing a Clinic

Today I had my first shadowing visit a the Stonebrook Family Vet clinic with my mentor and his technicians. First we went into a room with two cats that were getting different vaccinations. The cats were two very different attitude types and had different reactions being in the room to get their shots. One cat was hiding under the sink while the other cat was calmly waiting for The doctor to move on and start its check up. One thing about this visit was that it should be in the harsh realities of what it’s like to be working in a veterinary office. Many people think that working with animals would be a fun and cute job when in reality you are dealing with different sick animals and it is more difficult when dealing with animals that are sick because they cannot communicate effectively like humans can to each other. These animals are typically nervous and scared because of the reason that they cannot communicate with the team members that are trying to help them and sometimes it is difficult to remember that. I think that even though this experience was sad it was still beneficial. A dog came in with pale gums and Eyes and they originally came in for a euthanasia. It wasn’t certain that they were going to go through this process because the doctors wanted to do one last check up before they were certain. During the check up the dog significantly got worse and had to be put on oxygen and passed a few minutes later. It was really saddening to see an animal going from standing to barely breathing within a span of 10 minutes. Even though that was very hard to watch I think it really shed some light on what it means to work with these animals.

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